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The Yellow Nineties 2.0 magazine rack features searchable digital editions of eight late-Victorian little magazines in the context of their production and reception between 1889, when the first issue of The Dial appeared, and 1905, when the last volume of The Venture was published. The magazines are available in a number of formats. Each volume may be read in either a continuous scroll or the virtual facsimile of the flipbook. Individual items within a volume may be accessed via its hyperlinked Table of Contents. Whenever possible, promotional materials and contemporary reviews are included with each title. The Database of Ornament allows users to search and compare textual decorations across magazine titles, volumes, and contributors.

An extensive editorial apparatus adds scholarly context to these primary sources. Each title is introduced with a General Overview of the magazine as a whole; each volume within the print run offers a Critical Introduction to its contents and contributors. Scholarly essays on the life and work of selected contributors are available on the Y90s Biographies page. Biographical data on every person who contributed to a Y90s magazine is available on the Y90s Personography page. 

Yellow Nineties 2.0 is generously supported by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada. 

The Dial
The Pagan Review
The Yellow Book
The Evergreen
The Savoy
The Pageant
The Green Sheaf
The Venture