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Image is of the Madonna Mary with her child Jesus and St John the Baptist in a natural environment. The child is sitting on Mary s lap and is reaching out to St John, who is kneeling on the ground in front of them with his hands pressed together in prayer. The Christ child is not wearing clothes and has his fingers around a ball or orb that Mary is holding out in front of him. Mary is wearing a long loose dress that is cinched at her waist, with a cloak draped over her shoulders. St John is wearing animal skins and a thin cross rests against his shoulder. All three figures have halos encircling their heads. The figures are on a grassy patch of land that overlooks the mouth of a river. Mary is sitting on a patch of grass that is elevated from the ground possibly a piece of cliff. At her feet there are a few small flowers growing in the grass. Behind Mary is a large cluster of leaves. On the left side of the image leaves of a tree are visible beside St John. In the distance an enclosed town is visible on the bank of the river leading out to the ocean. The image is vertically positioned with a thick black border enclosed by two thin black borders. The artist's mark, a W in a box, can be seen in the bottom left corner of the image. The engraver's impression Hare Sc can be faintly seen along the bottom edge of the image.