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Published in four bi-annual volumes from the Lawnmarket of Edinburgh by Patrick Geddes and Colleagues from spring 1895 to winter 1896/7, The Evergreen: A Northern Seasonal was a Celtic revival magazine directed by a collaborative group of editors that included William Sharp. The magazine was distributed in London through T. Fisher Unwin and in Philadelphia through J. B. Lippincott. The Evergreen Digital Edition is based on the physical copies held in Toronto Metropolitan University Library’s Archives and Special Collections, supplemented by copies  in a private collection. The flipbook version created by the Internet Archive connects to the Evergreen scans in the University of Toronto’s Fisher Rare Books Library. The differences among these copies are especially apparent in the representation of bindings. Charles Mackie’s embossed leather bindings are visible only in html and pdf formats, which are scanned from copies in the private collection.

The Y90s Database of Ornament allows users to study The Evergreen’s textual ornaments in individual detail and in comparison to textual ornaments in The Dial, The Green SheafThe Pageant, and The Savoy.

Editor:   Lorraine Janzen Kooistra

Editorial Team: Reg Beatty, Laura Chapnick, Kaitlyn Fralick, Marion Grant, Rebecca Martin, Colleen McDonell, Chelsea Miya, Sarah Pennington, Paula Razuri.

General Introduction to The Evergreen

Volume 1
Spring 1895

Front cover is of an outdoor setting. Centred at the top of the image is the title, “The Evergreen” in capital letters. A large tree and its leaves take up the majority of the cover. To the right of the image is the word “Spring”, and within the framing of the top of the “S” is an image of a female figure sitting on the ground. We see the woman in profile from the right: she has dark hair that is untied, her sleeves are rolled back, and she is barefoot. Her shirt is white with black polka dots and her skirt is black. She is surrounded by plants and wildlife, and is reaching her right arm towards a flower. This same image is featured on the title page. On the bottom-right of the cover it reads: “published by Patrick Geddes & Colleagues at the Lawnmarket of Edinburgh.” On the bottom-right of the image is the author’s signature, an “m” inside of a circle. Across the bottom of the image it reads: “London”; “T. Fisher Unwin”; “Paternoster Row”. The brown leather cover is embossed in muted colours of green and red. Image is vertically displayed.

Scholarly Introduction:  HTML     XML     PDF
Table of Contents:  HTML     XML     PDF
Volume:  HTML                   PDF

Promotional Materials

Volume 2
Autumn 1895

The front cover is brown leather decorated with nature motif. In the upper two-thirds of the page are three tree shapes that seem to be composed of Evergreen tree needles at the top and saplings as bases. There is an outline around each of the tree’s that seems to be a petiolated, entire cordate leaf that seems to be the shape of a leaf from an empress tree. There is one directly in the foreground and two on either side that are partially visible. By the top of the centre tree is the title of the publication “The Evergreen”. AT the very top of the page is written “Book of” on the left side and then “autumn” on the right. On the left side of the trunk it says “Published in Edinburgh by Patrick Geddes & Colleagues at the Lawnmarket” and on the right side of the trunk it reads “and also in London by T. Fisher Unwin Paternoster square”. Beneath the image of the tree there is a patterned images of three mistletoe gathered on top of four leaves across the lower third section of the page. Towards the bottom of the cover presented in a boarder is “a northern seasonal”. The entire image is outlined by an embossed frame.

Scholarly Introduction:  HTML     XML     PDF
Table of Contents:  HTML     XML     PDF
Volume:  HTML                   PDF

Promotional Materials

Volume 3
Summer 1896

Front cover is brown leather decorated with a tree motif. Centred at the top of the image is the title, “The Evergreen” in capital letters. A large tree and its branches take up the majority of the cover. On the center bottom left of the cover, beside the trunk of the tree, it reads, “published in EDINBURGH by Patrick Geddes Colleagues at the Lawnmarket…” The text continues on the right side of the trunk. It reads, “And also in LONDON by T. Fisher Unwin Paternoster Square E. C.” by Patrick Geddes & Colleagues at the Lawnmarket of Edinburgh.” The roots of the tree extend below this text to the bottom of the frame of the image. Intertwined with the roots there are flowers. On the bottom center of the cover, there is a decorative pattern of four swirls. The brown leather cover is embossed in muted colours of green and red-ish brown. Image is vertically displayed.

Scholarly Introduction:  HTML     XML     PDF
Table of Contents:  HTML     XML     PDF
Volume:  HTML                   PDF

Promotional Materials

Volume 4
Winter 1896-97

Front cover is brown leather decorated with a tree motif in green ink. Centered at the top of the image in reddish brown ink is the title The Evergreen in capital letters. The branches of the tree spread outward towards the left and right side of the cover and weave together in the center. The tree and its branches take up the majority of the cover. On the center bottom left of the cover beside the trunk of the tree in reddish orange ink it reads published in EDINBURGH by Patrick Geddes Colleagues at the Lawnmarket. The text continues on the right side of the trunk. It reads And also in LONDON by T Fisher Unwin Paternoster Square E C. The roots of the tree extend below this text and wrap around the words WINTER BOOK in red brown ink. Below this s a design in green ink that extends from the left to the right side of the image. Tracing this design and the tree is a thick line of blue ink. The artist's mark, a small m, can be found in the lower left corner of the image. A frame of two thin green lines encloses the image. Image is vertically displayed.

Scholarly Introduction:  HTML     XML     PDF
Table of Contents:  HTML     XML     PDF
Volume:  HTML                   PDF

Promotional Materials