From the Scottish Review: Review of The Evergreen, Vol. 2
Quaint and not without considerable attractiveness in its outward
appearance, the autumn number of The Evergreen, wrtten by Mr. P.
Geddes and his colleagues, and published by them at the Lawnmarket,
Edinburgh, is full of life and spirit and refined feeling. There is no sign
of decadence about, though it deals chiefly with the autumnal aspects of
nature, society and life. The strongest paper in the number is from the
hand of Mr. Geddes. Sir Noel Paton contributes a number of graceful
verses, and Mr. W. Sharp, besides a poem or two, a translation of van
Lerberghe’s Les Flaireurs, a play which though suggestive is not in any
way a subject for enthusiasm. Among other notable pieces are Miss
Rinder’s Breton legend entitled ‘Amel and Penhor,’ and Miss Macleod’s
‘Mary of the Gael.’
MLA citation:
“The Evergreen.” Review of The Evergreen: A Northern Seasonal, vol. 2, Autumn 1895, The Scottish Review, Jan 1896, p. 178. Yellow Nineties 2.0, edited by Lorraine Janzen Kooistra, Ryerson University Centre for Digital Humanities, 2019.