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PORTRAIT OF A GENTLEMAN BY WILLIAM ROTHENSTEIN MLA citation: Rothenstein, William. “Portrait of a Gentleman.” The Yellow Book, vol. 1, 1894, p. 111. Yellow Book…


PROSPECTUS BY AUBREY BEARDSLEY MLA citation: Beardsley, Aubrey. “Prospectus.” The Yellow Book, vol. 1, 1894. Yellow Book Digital Edition, edited by Dennis Denisoff and Lorraine…


XML     PDF The Fool’s Hour The First Act of a Comedy By John Oliver Hobbes and George Moore CHARACTERS OF THE COMEDY Lord Doldrummond…


XML     PDF A Sentimental Cellar By George Saintsbury [It would appear from the reference to a ” Queen ” that the following     piece was…


XML     PDF The Dedication By Fred M. Simpson PERSONS REPRESENTEDLucy Rimmerton. Harold SekbourneScene I—The period is 1863The sitting-room in Lucy Rimmerton’s lodgings. She is…


XML     PDF Stella Maris By Arthur Symons WHY is it I remember yet You, of all women one has met In random wayfare, as…


XML     PDF Contents Letterpress I. The Death of the Lion .. By Henry James .. Page 7 II. Tree-Worship .. Richard Le Gallienne ..…


XML     PDF Two Sonnets By William Watson I—The Frontier AT the hushed brink of twilight,—when, as thoughSome solemn journeying phantom paused to layAn ominous…