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XML     PDF Two Songs By John Davidson I—London A THWART the sky a lowly sigh     From west to east the sweet wind carried ;…


TRISTAM AND ISEULT BY BERNARD SLEIGH MLA citation: Sleigh, Bernard. “Tristram and Iseult.” The Yellow Book, vol. 9, 1896, p. 202. Yellow Book Digital Edition,…


XML     PDF Irremediable By Ella D’Arcy A YOUNG man strolled along a country road one August evening after a long delicious day—a day of…


XML     PDF Modern Melodrama By Hubert Crackanthorpe THE pink shade of a single lamp supplied an air of subdued mystery ; the fire burned…


XML     PDF Δαιμονζσμενος By Arthur Christopher Benson YOU were clear as a sandy spring    After a drought, when its waters run Evenly, sparingly, filtering    Into the…


THE LADY OF SHALOTT BY FLORENCE M. RUTLAND MLA citation: Rutland, Florence M. “The Lady of Shalott.” The Yellow Book, vol. 9, 1896, p. 54.…


STUDY OF TREES BY MARY J. NEWILL MLA citation: Newill, Mary J. “Study of Trees.” The Yellow Book, vol. 9, 1896, p. 33. Yellow Book…