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XML     PDF Mr. Stevenson’s Forerunner By James Ashcroft Noble FOR a long time—I can hardly give a number to its years—I have been haunted…


XML     PDF Contents Literature I. Women — Wives or Mothers     By A Woman . . Page 11 II. “Tell Me Not Now”     William Watson…


XML     PDF Tobacco Clouds By Lionel Johnson CLOUD upon cloud : and, if I were to think that an image of life can lie…


The Yellow Book Index to Publisher’s Announcements             PageA.D. Innes & Co. . . . . . . . . 2Bentley & Son . . .…


SO THE WIND BY PATTEN WILSON MLA citation: Wilson, Patten. “So The Wind.” The Yellow Book, vol. 11, 1896, p. 301. Yellow Book Digital Edition,…


THE YELLOW DWARF BY MAX BEERBOHM MLA citation: Beerbohm, Max. “The Yellow Dwarf.” The Yellow Book, vol. 11, 1896, p. 9. Yellow Book Digital Edition,…


BACK COVER BY PATTEN WILSON MLA citation: Wilson, Patten. “Back Cover.” The Yellow Book, vol. 10, 1896. Yellow Book Digital Edition, edited by Dennis Denisoff…