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XML     PDF The White Statue By Olive Custance I LOVE you, silent statue : for your sake My songs in prayer up-reach Frail hands…


XML     PDF The Wind and the Tree By Charles Catty     SANG the wind to the tree,    O be mournful with me :There is nothing can…


XML     PDF An Emblem of Translation By Richard Garnett NOT of one growth the solemn forests are ;     Not solely is the stately alley…


XML     PDF A Ballad of the Heart’s Bounty By Laurence Alma Tadema “WHAT shines at my window out there in the night?”    Said she then:”For…


XML     PDF Sunshine By Olive Custance OH, Sunshine Spirit, I have seen Your gold wings spread aslant the green;Have watched their splendours trail alongThe…


XML     PDF Song of Sorrow By Charles Catty I CAN sing not of youth or of morning ;    I have ears for no music of…


XML     PDF Postscript By Ernest Wentworth THIS enviable paper ! Oh, to think    That it will go, will really, really go    To her, my mistress. Had…


XML     PDF Aubade By Rosamund Marriott Watson So late last night I watched with you, and yetYou come to wake me while the dews…


XML     PDF Contents Literature I. A Seventh-story Heaven . By Richard Le Gallienne . Page 11 II. The House Desolate . Rosamund Marriott Watson…


XML     PDF The Golden Touch By Rosamund Marriott Watson THE amber dust of sunset fills The limits of my narrow room, And every sterile…