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STUDY OF A HEAD BY C. F. PEARS MLA citation: Pears, C. F. “Study of a Head.” The Yellow Book, vol. 11, 1896, p. 259.…


A PHANTASY BY PATTEN WILSON MLA citation: Wilson, Patten. “A Phantasy.” The Yellow Book, vol. 11, 1896, p. 301. Yellow Book Digital Edition, edited by…


RECREATIONS OF CUPID BY CHARLES CONDER MLA citation: Conder, Charles. “Recreations of Cupid.” The Yellow Book, vol. 11, 1896, p. 93. Yellow Book Digital Edition,…


A ROMANCE BY CHARLES CONDER MLA citation: Conder, Charles. “A Romance.” The Yellow Book, vol. 11, 1896, p. 95. Yellow Book Digital Edition, edited by…


TITLE PAGE BY NELLIE SYRETT MLA citation: Syrett, Nellie. “Title Page.” The Yellow Book, vol. 11, 1896, p 5. Yellow Book Digital Edition, edited by…