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XML   PDF Two Worlds             BY J. P. JACOBSEN         An English Rendering from the Danish by Hermione         Ramsden THE Salzach is not a cheerful river,…


XML   PDF A Study in Bereavement                    WRITTEN BY MR THOMAS PARKER IN 1954 AN old man, looking back on life, usually remembers a few…


XML   PDF Pierrot             O SOME there are who bury deep            Lost joy in a grave far out of sight,            Saying, “O trouble me not, but sleep            In…


XML   PDF Via Vita Veritas             WE watch the bud in spring, inclining ear             To hear the young leaf lisping in the sheath;             We count…


XML   PDF The Intellectual Ecstasy             “Hinc Stygias ebrius hausit aquas”                        DIOGENES LAERTIUS                                     I             OF Epicurus it is told             That growing weak and faint and cold,            And…


XML   PDF Two Songs                                              I             MY Love is dark, but she is fair;                As dark as damask roses are,             As dark as woodland lake-water,                 Which…


XML   PDF A Painter of a New Day                                                       I IT might not unreasonably be supposed that imaginative art would have been crushed under the…


XML   PDF The Mystery of Time                                               Characters:                                   PAST.            PRESENT.            FUTURE THE PRESENT is seated on a throne a man in the prime of life, his eyes…


XML   PDF Scene-Shifting     I HOLD that a man’s work should take colour from his surround- ings, so writing as I do from the painting…


XML   PDF A Game of Confidences     “OH, there you are, Paul! How do you do? I’m so glad to see you again.” Mrs Vibart…