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XML     PDF Sic tu recoli merearis ! By A. C. Benson O SOUL, my soul, before thou com’st to die,    Set one deep mark upon…


XML     PDF Publisher’s Announcements Mr. Wm. HEINEMANN’S ANNOUNCEMENTS. ANTONIO ALLEGI DA CORREGGIO. His Life, his Friends, and his Time. By Dr. CORRADO RICCI. With…


XML     PDF Books A Letter to the Editor and an Offer of a Prize From “The Yellow Dwarf” SIR : In London, if one…


XML     PDF Contents Literature I. A Seventh-story Heaven . By Richard Le Gallienne . Page 11 II. The House Desolate . Rosamund Marriott Watson…


XML     PDF A Seventh-story Heaven By Richard Le Gallienne ” Dans un grenier qu’on est bien à vingt ans ! “ AT one end…


XML     PDF The Queen’s Pleasure By Henry Harland I AM writing to you from a lost corner of the far south-east of Europe. The…


XML     PDF A Few Notes upon Mr. James By Lena Milman I TO think of form as characteristic of emptiness, as though all    spheres were…