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XML     PDF Two Sonnets By William Watson I—The Frontier AT the hushed brink of twilight,—when, as thoughSome solemn journeying phantom paused to layAn ominous…


XML     PDF Reticence in Literature By Arthur Waugh HE never spoke out. Upon these four words, gathered by chance from a private letter, Matthew…


XML     PDF Publishers’ Announcements             PageA.D. Innes & Co. . . . . . . . . 2Bentley & Son . . . . .…


XML     PDF The Waking of Spring By Olive Custance SPIRIT of Spring, thy coverlet of snow    Hath fallen from thee, with its fringe of frost,And…


XML     PDF A Letter Home By Enoch Arnold Bennett I RAIN was falling—it had fallen steadily through the night—but the sky showed promise of…


XML     PDF A Captain of Salvation By John Buchan NOR is it any matter of sorrow to us that the gods of the Pagansare…


XML     PDF A Guardian of the Poor By Baron T. Russell         I BORLASE AND COMPANY did not aspire, like certain other drapers in the…


XML     PDF Dogs, Cats, Books, and the Average Man A Letter to the Editor From “The Yellow Dwarf” SIR : I hope you will…


XML     PDF The Lost Eden By William Watson PROFFERING fortunesOut of his indigence,Royal the dowryMan promised his soul. “Not as the beastsThat perish, am…


XML     PDF Contents Literature I. The Blessed . . . By W. B. Yeats . . Page 11 II. Merely Players . .Henry Harland…