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XML     PDF Sunshine By Olive Custance OH, Sunshine Spirit, I have seen Your gold wings spread aslant the green;Have watched their splendours trail alongThe…


XML     PDF Song of Sorrow By Charles Catty I CAN sing not of youth or of morning ;    I have ears for no music of…


XML     PDF Postscript By Ernest Wentworth THIS enviable paper ! Oh, to think    That it will go, will really, really go    To her, my mistress. Had…


XML     PDF Aubade By Rosamund Marriott Watson So late last night I watched with you, and yetYou come to wake me while the dews…


XML     PDF Contents Literature I. A Seventh-story Heaven . By Richard Le Gallienne . Page 11 II. The House Desolate . Rosamund Marriott Watson…


XML     PDF The Golden Touch By Rosamund Marriott Watson THE amber dust of sunset fills The limits of my narrow room, And every sterile…


XML     PDF Mr. Stevenson’s Forerunner By James Ashcroft Noble FOR a long time—I can hardly give a number to its years—I have been haunted…


XML     PDF Contents Literature I. Women — Wives or Mothers     By A Woman . . Page 11 II. “Tell Me Not Now”     William Watson…


XML     PDF Tobacco Clouds By Lionel Johnson CLOUD upon cloud : and, if I were to think that an image of life can lie…


The Yellow Book Index to Publisher’s Announcements             PageA.D. Innes & Co. . . . . . . . . 2Bentley & Son . . .…