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XML   PDF A PHIAL.         This precious bubble of the antique world,        As light as lifted foam, as frail as breath,        Endured when empires died a desperate…


XML   PDF THE MERCHANT KNIGHT. A Romance translated from the Portuguese of Gonsalo Fernandez Trancoso. (1585).     Scarcely anything appears to be known of the…


XML   PDF MADAME DE WARENS.     In his old age Rousseau wrote that the spot in the little town of Annecy where, as a youth…


XML   PDF THE PHILOSOPHY OF ISLANDS.     Suppose that in some convulsion of the planets there fell upon this earth from Mars, a creature of…


XML   PDF AN INDIAN ROAD-TALE.     Inland they tell the tale of the coast-road, and on the coast they tell it of Pipavao, how the…


XML   PDF THE CLUE.         Life from sunned peak, witched wood, and flowery dell        A hundred ways the eager spirit wooes,        To roam, to dream, to conquer,…


XML   PDF JILL’S CAT.     Where Jill’s cat came from I have no idea; she just came. I first set eyes on her when one…


XML   PDF RICHARD FARQUHARSON. A Chapter of Childhood.     Human life is a fragment, at best. . . . And that moment of childhood when,…


XML   PDF THE ORACLE[S]. ‘Tis mute, the word they went to hear on high Dodona        mountain    When winds were in the oakenshaws, and all the cauldrons            tolled,And…