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XML     PDF WILLIAM BLAKE AND HIS ILLUSTRATIONS TO THE DIVINE COMEDY The Database of Ornament                                           II. HIS OPINIONS ON DANTE     AS Blake sat bent…


XML     PDF TWO FOOLISH HEARTS The Database of Ornament SUMMER had passed, the harvest was ingathered, and the days began to close in.         At…


XML     PDF PIEUSEMENT The Database of Ornament             A nuit d’hiver élève au ciel son pur calice.            Et je lève mon cceur aussi, mon cœur nocturne,            Seigneur,…


XML     PDF FRIEDRICH NIETZSCHE The Database of Ornament                                             III     SO far I have attempted to follow with little or no comment what seems to…


XML     PDF STELLA MALIGNA The Database of Ornament A Woman speaks:MY little slave!            Wouldst thou escape me? Only in the grave.            I will be poison to…


XML     PDF THE DYING OF FRANCIS DONNE The Database of Ornament         “Memento homo, quia pulvis es et in pulverem reverteris”                                                                      I     HE had lived…


XML     PDF THREE SONNETS The Database of Ornament “S” The Database of Ornament “W”                    HAWKER OF MORWENSTOW     STRONG shepherd of thy sheep, pasturers of…


XML     PDF THE GINGERBREAD FAIR AT VINCENNES The Database of Ornament                                                       A COLOUR-STUDY                                                                          I THE tram rolls heavily through the sunshine, on the way…


XML     PDF THE SONG OF THE WOMEN The Database of Ornament                                   A WEALDEN TRIO                                            1st Voice: WHEN ye’ve got a child ’at ’s whist…


XML     PDF DOCTOR AND PATIENT The Database of Ornament     THE doctor sat at the bedside of his old friend, now his patient, who was…