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XML     PDF MUTABILITY The Database of Ornament                                                                        I     THE strong sweet south-wester, fresh and vigorous as a god, after its journey across the Channel…


XML     PDF O’SULLIVAN RUA TO THE SECRET ROSE The Database of Ornament                                          FAR off, most secret, and inviolate Rose,                                         Enfold me in my hour of…


XML     PDF THE OLD WOMEN The Database of Ornament                            THEY pass upon their old, tremulous feet,                           Creeping with little satchels down the street,                            And they…


XML     PDF A ROMANCE OF THREE FOOLS The Database of Ornament IT was the year when Marie Barrone sang for a season at the…


XML     PDF IN SCITUATE The Database of Ornament                         UNDER a hill in Scituate,                        Where sleep four hundred men of Kent,                         My friend one bobolincolned June…


XML     PDF AT THE ALHAMBRA The Database of Ornament                                         IMPRESSIONS AND SENSATIONS                                                                       I     AT the Alhambra I can never sit anywhere but in the…


XML     PDF EASTERN DANCERS The Database of Ornament             EYES ravished with rapture, celestially panting, what pas-                          sionate spirits aflaming with fire             Drink deep of the…


XML     PDF A LITERARY CAUSERIE: ON EDMOND DE GONCOURT The Database of Ornament                         ON EDMOND DE GONCOURT     MY first visit to Edmond de Goncourt…


LENGTHENING DAYS                                                                                                                       PAGECOVER       .       .       Designed by AUBREY BEARDSLEY        .       .        .           1TITLE PAGE       .       .       Designed by AUBREY BEARDSLEY        .         .          5THE…


XML     PDF BEAUTY’S HOUR The Database of Ornament                                 A PHANTASY                                  CHAPTER I     I REMEMBER very well the first time the strange thing happened to…