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XML     PDF EPILOGUE The Database of Ornament             LET us go hence : the night is now at hand ;                    The day is overworn, the…


XML     PDF A LITERARY CAUSERIE: ON THE “INVECTIVES” OF VERLAINE The Database of Ornament I NEVER read a book with more regret than this…


LENGTHENING DAYS                                                                                                                       PAGECOVER       .       .       Designed by AUBREY BEARDSLEY        .       .        .           1TITLE PAGE       .       .       Designed by AUBREY BEARDSLEY        .         .          5HOLIDAY…


XML     PDF THE IDIOTS The Database of Ornament WE were driving along the road from Treguier to Kervanda. We passed at a smart trot…


XML     PDF IN SAINT-JACQUES The Database of Ornament                         TIRED with the sunlight, her eyes close in prayer,                           A little heap before a waxen saint ;…


XML     PDF CONCERNING JUDE THE OBSCURE The Database of Ornament THE eighteenth century is the great period of the English novel. Defoe, Richardson, Fielding,…


XML     PDF A SOUL AT LETHE’S BRINK The Database of Ornament                         ARE ye not overfond—                        Ye who would carry memory to the shades,                         Those blessed…


XML     PDF A LESSON OF MILLAIS The Database of Ornament THE burial of Millais in St. Paul’s should have been an honour done to…


XML     PDF THE EPITAPH The Database of Ornament                                     IN FORM OF A BALLADE             WHICH VILLON MADE FOR HIMSELF AND HIS COMPANIONS                    WHEN EXPECTING TO…