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Savoy Promotional Materials

THE SAVOY Promotional Materials Prospectus 1895 A Large Christmas Card 1896 By Aubrey Beardsley Aubrey Beardsley. Proof of original (cancelled) design for front cover of…


XML     PDF The Fool’s Hour The First Act of a Comedy By John Oliver Hobbes and George Moore CHARACTERS OF THE COMEDY Lord Doldrummond…


XML     PDF A Sentimental Cellar By George Saintsbury [It would appear from the reference to a ” Queen ” that the following     piece was…


XML     PDF The Dedication By Fred M. Simpson PERSONS REPRESENTEDLucy Rimmerton. Harold SekbourneScene I—The period is 1863The sitting-room in Lucy Rimmerton’s lodgings. She is…


XML     PDF Stella Maris By Arthur Symons WHY is it I remember yet You, of all women one has met In random wayfare, as…


XML     PDF Contents Letterpress I. The Death of the Lion .. By Henry James .. Page 7 II. Tree-Worship .. Richard Le Gallienne ..…


XML     PDF Two Sonnets By William Watson I—The Frontier AT the hushed brink of twilight,—when, as thoughSome solemn journeying phantom paused to layAn ominous…


XML     PDF Reticence in Literature By Arthur Waugh HE never spoke out. Upon these four words, gathered by chance from a private letter, Matthew…


XML     PDF THE DIAL NO. 4 TABLE OF CONTENTS Front Cover designed and engraved by Charles Ricketts Table of Contents . . . [vii]…


XML     PDF             THE FLYING FISH                                                       I                         MYSELF am Hang, the buccaneer,                        Whom children love and brave men fear,                        Master of…