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XML     PDF Home . . . By Richard Le Gallienne ” WE’RE going home ! ” I heard two lovers say,    They kissed their friends…


XML     PDF When I am King By Henry Harland “Qu’y faire, mon Dieu, qu’y faire ? “I HAD wandered into a tangle of slummy…


XML     PDF White Magic By Ella D’Arcy I SPENT one evening last summer with my friend Mauger,pharmacien in the little town of Jacques-le-Port. He…


XML     PDF Parson Herrick’s Muse By C. W. Dalmon THE parson dubs us, in our cups,“A tipsy, good-for-nothing crew !”It matters not—it may be…


XML     PDF Twilight By Olive Custance Mother of the dews, dark eyelashed Twilight ! Low-lidded Twilight o’er the valley’s brim. MEREDITH. SPIRIT of Twilight,…


XML     PDF A Study in Sentimentality By Hubert Crackanthorpe A PHANTOM regiment of giant mist-pillars swept silently across the valley ; beaded drops loaded…


XML     PDF The Yellow Book A Criticism of Volume I By Philip Gilbert Hamerton, LL.D. I—The Literature THE Editor and Publishers of THE YELLOW…


XML     PDF The Gospel of Content By Frederick Greenwood How it was that I, being so young a man and not a very tactful…


XML     PDF The Roman Road By Kenneth Grahame ALL the roads of our neighbourhood were cheerful and friendly, having each of them pleasant qualities…


XML     PDF Sat est scripsisse By Austin Dobson To E. G., with a Volume of Essays WHEN you and I have wandered beyond the…