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XML     PDF A Few Notes upon Mr. James By Lena Milman I TO think of form as characteristic of emptiness, as though all    spheres were…


XML     PDF A New Poster By Evelyn Sharp I IT was the first of Mrs. Angelo Milton’s original dinner-parties. Mrs. Angelo Milton had the…


XML     PDF Lilla Conte de Neige pour mon neveu Rudi Par le Prince Bojidar Karageorgevitch ELLE était partie la petite Lilla, et Hélo savait…


XML     PDF The Next Time By Henry James MRS. HIGHMORE’S errand this morning was odd enough to deserve commemoration : she came to ask…


XML     PDF Rosemary for Remembrance By Henry Harland I I WONDER why I dreamed last night of Zabetta. It is years since she made…


XML     PDF The Pleasure-Pilgrim By Ella D’Arcy I CAMPBELL was on his way to Schloss Altenau, for a second quiet season with his work.…


XML     PDF The Papers of Basil Fillimer By H. D. Traill MY name is Johnson, just plain John Johnson—nothing more subtle than that ;…


XML     PDF A Song and a Tale By Nora Hopper I—Lament of the Last Leprechaun FOR the red shoon of the Shee,    For the falling…


XML     PDF The House of Shame By H. B. Marriott Watson THERE was no immediate response to his knock, and, ere he    rapped again, Farrell…


XML     PDF The Bohemian Girl By Henry Harland I I WOKE up very gradually this morning, and it took me a little while to…