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XML     PDF My Study By Alfred Hayes LET others strive for wealth or praise    Who care to win ;I count myself full blest, if He,Who…


XML     PDF The Yellow Book Index to the Publishers’ Announcements             PageW. Heinemann . . . . . . . 2Hurst & Blackett . .…


XML     PDF A Responsibility By Henry Harland IT has been an episode like a German sentence, with its pre- dicate at the end. Trifling…


XML     PDF The Ûnka By Frank Athelstane Swettenham, C.M.G. THE other day I had to move from the house where I have lived for…


XML     PDF Books A Letter to the Editor and an Offer of a Prize From “The Yellow Dwarf” SIR : In London, if one…


XML     PDF Dreams By Ronald Campbell Macfie “In the first dream that comes with the first sleep I run, I run, I am gathered…


XML     PDF EPIGRAM TO A LADY RECOVERED FROM A DANGEROUS SICKNESS Life plucks thee back as by the golden hair— Life, who had feigned…


XML     PDF Three Stories  By V., O., C.S I—Honi soit qui mal y pense By C. S. BUT I’m not very tall, am I…


XML     PDF The Coxon Fund By Henry James “THEY’VE got him for life ! ” I said to myself that evening on my way…


XML     PDF The White Statue By Olive Custance I LOVE you, silent statue : for your sake My songs in prayer up-reach Frail hands…