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XML     PDF Proem to ‘The Wonderful Mission of Earl Lavender’ By John Davidson THOUGH our eyes turn ever waveward    Where our sun is well-nigh set…


XML     PDF An Autumn Elegy By C. W. Dalmon Now it is fitting, and becomes us allTo think how fast our time of being…


XML     PDF Margaret By C. S. THE street was feebly lighted, but by the glare from the public- house at the corner I could…


XML     PDF Theodora, a Fragment By Victoria Cross . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .…


XML     PDF 1880 By Max Beerbohm Say, shall these things be forgotten In the Row that men call Rotten, Beauty Clare ?—Hamilton Aïdé. I…


XML     PDF The Yellow Book Index to Publishers’ Announcements Ward & Downey . . . . . .3 Hurst & Blackett. . . .…


XML     PDF A Note on George the Fourth By Max Beerbohm THEY say that when King George was dying, a special form of prayer…


XML     PDF To Salomé at St. James’s By Theodore Wratislaw FLOWER of the ballet’s nightly mirth,    Pleased with a trinket or a gown,Eternal as eternal…


XML     PDF Tell me not Now By William Watson TELL me not now, if love for love    Thou canst return,Now while around us and above    Day’s…


XML     PDF De Profundis By S. Cornish Watkins THE hot white road winds on and on before,    The hot white road fades into haze behind,With…