XML PDF The Valley of Rocks TOWARDS evening he came to a sudden valley in the bare- bosomed hills, where, as in an alembic,…
XML PDF [At Twilight] A Sonnet on Love (From the French of Claudius Popelin) CLOSE thine eyes, O close thine eyes, my charming dove, O…
XML PDF Two Songs I WHAT counsel has the hooded moon Put in thy heart, my shyly sweet, Of Love in ancient plenilune, Glory and…
XML PDF Love AH, sweet, there is but little time for love, Though day be heaped on day, and night on night, Climbing the skies beyond…
XML PDF Five Poems in Prose THERE was a queen of goodness and of beauty living in a lonely wood where, at morn and…
XML PDF Two Worlds BY J. P. JACOBSEN An English Rendering from the Danish by Hermione Ramsden THE Salzach is not a cheerful river,…
XML PDF A Study in Bereavement WRITTEN BY MR THOMAS PARKER IN 1954 AN old man, looking back on life, usually remembers a few…
XML PDF Pierrot O SOME there are who bury deep Lost joy in a grave far out of sight, Saying, “O trouble me not, but sleep In…
XML PDF Via Vita Veritas WE watch the bud in spring, inclining ear To hear the young leaf lisping in the sheath; We count…
XML PDF The Intellectual Ecstasy “Hinc Stygias ebrius hausit aquas” DIOGENES LAERTIUS I OF Epicurus it is told That growing weak and faint and cold, And…