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XML     PDF MUNDI VICTIMA The Database of Ornament                                                        I                         HENCEFORTH for each of us remains the world.                        The gates have closed behind us, we are…


XML     PDF WALTER PATER: SOME CHARACTERISTICS The Database of Ornament WALTER PATER was a man in whom fineness and subtlety of emotion were united…


XML     PDF THE CHILDHOOD OF LUCY NEWCOME The Database of Ornament THE house which Lucy Newcome remembered as her home, the only home she…


XML     PDF HÉRODIADE The Database of Ornament                                          HÉRODIADE                        TO mine own self I am a wilderness.                        You know it, amethyst gardens numberless                         Enfolded in the flaming,…


XML     PDF THE ISLES OF ARAN The Database of Ornament FOR two hours and a half the fishing-boat had been running before the wind,…


XML     PDF A LITERARY CAUSERIE: BY WAY OF EPILOGUE The Database of Ornament IT was in the autumn of last year, that, at the…


XML     PDF EDITORIAL NOTE The Database of Ornament I HAVE to announce that with the next number, completing a year’s existence, the present issue…