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XML     PDF CONTENTS GRAPHIC BY AUBREY BEARDSLEY MLA citation: Beardsley, Aubrey. “Contents Graphic.” The Savoy, vol. 1, January 1896, p. 7. The Savoy Digital…


XML     PDF A LITHOGRAPH BY C.H. SHANNON MLA citation: Shannon, C.H. “A Lithograph.” The Savoy, vol. 1, January 1896, p. 29. The Savoy Digital…


XML     PDF MANDOLINE BY CHARLES CONDER MLA citation: Conder, Charles. “Mandoline.” The Savoy, vol. 1, January 1896, p. 43. The Savoy Digital Edition, edited…


XML     PDF REGENT STREET, LONDON BY JOSEPH PENNELL MLA citation: Pennell, Joseph. “Regent Street, London.” The Savoy, vol. 1, January 1896, p. 49. The…


XML     PDF THE THREE MUSICIANS BY AUBREY BEARDSLEY MLA citation: Beardsley, Aubrey. “The Three Musicians.” The Savoy, vol. 1, January 1896, p. 64. The…


XML     PDF LA PARISIENNE BY LOUIS OURY MLA citation: Oury, Louis. “La Parisienne.” The Savoy, vol. 1, January 1896, p. 81. The Savoy Digital…


XML     PDF THE BATHERS BY AUBREY BEARDSLEY MLA citation: Beardsley, Aubrey. “The Bathers.” The Savoy, vol. 1, January 1896, p. 87. The Savoy Digital…


XML     PDF THE MOSKA BY AUBREY BEARDSLEY MLA citation: Beardsley, Aubrey. “The Moska.” The Savoy, vol. 1, January 1896, p. 91. The Savoy Digital…


XML     PDF CHLOE BY W. ROTHENSTEIN MLA citation: Rothenstein, W. “Chloe.” The Savoy, vol. 1, January 1896, p. 109. The Savoy Digital Edition, edited…


XML     PDF THE OLD CHARTIST BY F. SANDYS MLA citation: Sandys, F. “The Old Chartist.” The Savoy, vol. 1, January 1896, p. 119. The…