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THE MIRROR BY PHILIP WILSON STEER MLA citation: Steer, Philip Wilson. “The Mirror.” The Yellow Book, vol. 5, 1895, p. 169. Yellow Book Digital Edition,…


THE MANTELPIECE BY PHILIP WILSON STEER MLA citation: Steer, Philip Wilson. “The Mantelpiece.” The Yellow Book, vol. 5, 1895, p. 167. Yellow Book Digital Edition,…


PORTRAIT OF MRS. JAMES WELCH BY PHILIP WILSON STEER MLA citation: Steer, Philip Wilson. “Portrait of Mrs. James Welch.” The Yellow Book, vol. 5, 1895,…


TITLE PAGE BY WALTER SICKERT MLA citation: Sickert, Walter. “Title Page.” The Yellow Book, vol. 5, 1895. Yellow Book Digital Edition, edited by Dennis Denisoff…


PORTRAIT OF MRS. ERNEST LEVERSON BY WALTER SICKERT MLA citation: Sickert, Walter. “Portrait of Mrs. Ernest Leverson.” The Yellow Book, vol. 5, 1895, p. 231.…