BACK COVER BY PATTEN WILSON MLA citation: Wilson, Patten. “Back Cover.” The Yellow Book, vol. 9, 1896. Yellow Book Digital Edition, edited by Dennis Denisoff…
THREE BLIND MICE BY E. G. TREGLOWN MLA citation: Treglown, E. G. “Three Blind Mice.” The Yellow Book, vol. 9, April 1896, p. 153. Yellow…
NIGHT BY J. E. SOUTHALL MLA citation: Southall, J. E. “Night.” The Yellow Book, vol. 9, 1896, p. 132. Yellow Book Digital Edition, edited by…
TRISTAM AND ISEULT BY BERNARD SLEIGH MLA citation: Sleigh, Bernard. “Tristram and Iseult.” The Yellow Book, vol. 9, 1896, p. 202. Yellow Book Digital Edition,…
THE LADY OF SHALOTT BY FLORENCE M. RUTLAND MLA citation: Rutland, Florence M. “The Lady of Shalott.” The Yellow Book, vol. 9, 1896, p. 54.…