HÔTEL ROYAL, DIEPPE BY WALTER SICKERT MLA citation: Sickert, Walter. “Hôtel Royal, Dieppe.” The Yellow Book, vol. 4, 1895, p. 81. Yellow Book Digital Edition,…
PORTRAIT OF MR. GEORGE MOORE BY WALTER SICKERT MLA citation: Sickert, Walter. “Portrait of Mr. George Moore.” The Yellow Book, vol. 4, 1895, p. 85.…
BODLEY HEADS, NO. 1: MR. RICHARD LE GALLIENNE BY WALTER SICKERT MLA citation: Sickert, Walter. “Bodley Heads. No. 1: Mr. Richard Le Gallienne.” The Yellow…
A WESTMORLAND VILLAGE BY WALTER WESTLEY RUSSELL MLA citation: Russell, Walter Westley. “A Westmoreland Village.” The Yellow Book, vol. 4, 1895, p. 145. Yellow Book…
BODLEY HEADS, NO. 2: MR. JOHN DAVIDSON BY WILLIAM ROTHENSTEIN MLA citation: Rothenstein, William. “Bodley Head, No. 2: Mr. John Davidson.” The Yellow Book, vol.…