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XML     PDF A PORTRAIT OF W. B. YEATS,From a Drawing by Pamela Colman Smith. A Photogravure Plate has been made, and a limited Edition…


XML     PDF AN UNCANNY DREAM. In the Land of Dreams there are as many regions as the dreamer has person- alities, submerged beneath that…


XML     PDF CHATEAU DE GARDE. MY LADY OF PAIN. Pale as the moonlight on the sea, was                                                                        My Lady of Pain,And, Oh, the grief in…


XML     PDF LOVE’S AWAKENING. A moment of rose-lit gladness,    And wise were the choice, I ween,To pass on the wings of madness    To a dawn that…


XML     PDF FROM EAST TO WEST. Written by Frederick J. Waugh. Illustration by Cecil French                                                                         Dawn. The Day rises out of the East,    The Night…


XML TABLE OF CONTENTS No. 8 Front Cover, by Pamela Colman Smith  [i] The Wood Nymph, by Cecil French  2 The Wood of Laragh, by Cecil French  3…


XML     PDF ADVERTISEMENTS. BLAKE’S PROPHETIC BOOKS                        EDITED BY A. G. B. Russell & E. R. Maclagan.        JERUSALEM.            Cr. 4to, 6/- net. A. H. Bullen, 47, Great Russell…


XML     PDF BELINDA. Belinda’s gloves are new,So’s her hat;What of that?Her frock is too. When her bills are due,I don’t care;Shan’t be there,Not I,…


XML     PDF THE DEFINITE. “To see the world in a grain of sand,    And a heaven in a wild flower;Hold infinity in the palm of…


XML     PDF THE KNIGHT-ERRANT. A knight comes riding out of the west,                                    (De Montfort, De Montfort.)His armour is bright as steel can beHe carries his…