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XML     PDF PROEM The Database of Ornament To all simple peoples in history, as to the young in every age, the seasons have meant…


XML     PDF A PROCESSION OF CAUSES The Database of Ornament                                     Sun and wind and swaying trees—                                        List to the promise of Spring !                                      Under the bark…


XML     PDF FOUR EASTER LETTERS The Database of Ornament I                                                      Apparently written from                                                      Athens, about 357 B.C. ‘. . . We spoke to-day in the garden…


XML     PDF OLD ENGLISH SPRING The Database of Ornament (Adapted from Harleian MS. 2253.   Date, about 1200?) I. That he will have none of…


XML     PDF A CAROL OF YOUTH                                     Give songs to the Summer                                       And carols to Spring;                                    Greet Love the new-comer                                       With tabret and string.                                     Come, crown him with…


XML     PDF SPRING IN LANGUEDOC The Database of Ornament What are the signs of the coming of Spring in the South? In the grey…


XML     PDF NORTHERN SPRINGTIME The Database of Ornament There comes a day towards the end of winter when the clear sunlight floods the world…


XML     PDF THE RETURN The Database of Ornament         For Winter’s rains and ruins are over,            And all the season of snows and sins;        The days dividing…


XML     PDF GLEDHA’S WOOING The Database of Ornament                                      To Corsbie Keep rode Young Gledha’                                        As the moon broke owre the brae;                                     He lighted…


XML     PDF THE SCOTS RENASCENCE The Database of Ornament BLACKIE was buried yesterday. At the High Kirk, as he would have wished it, his…