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XML     PDF MAURICE DE GUÉRIN The Database of Ornament CERTAIN mansions in Art’s home, without being wealthy, splendid, magisterial orofgod-gauged proportions,though not always without,…


XML     PDF TO THE MEMORY OF ARTHUR RIMBAUD Thou sprung of warrior loins amid hill shade,A wind-like variance maketh odd thy life,With wild adventure…


XML     PDF TO THE FLOWERS, TO WEEP Weep, roses, weep; and straightway shed    Your purest tears.Weep, honeysuckles, white and red:And with you, all those country…


XML     PDF PARSIFAL IMITATED FROM THE FRENCH OF PAUL VERLAINE. Conquered the flower maidens, and the wide embraceOf their round proffered arms that tempt…


XML     PDF THE MARRED FACE The Database of Ornament MY MOUNTAINS ARE MY OWN AND I WILL KEEP THEM TO MYSELF W. BLAKE                                                                         I…


APOLOGY     The sole aim of this magazine is to gain sympathy with itsviews.     Intelligent ostracism meets one at every door for any view whatso- ever,…


XML     PDF SENSATIONS The Database of Ornament Little by little the air grew thick and oily; the sky, colour of oil, was strangely streaked…


XML     PDF THE CUP OF HAPPINESS The Database of Ornament THE sound rolls through the reddening air, the muffled thum! the dumb! of a…


XML     PDF NOTES The Database of Ornament Any mention of the quiet failure of the Theâtre Libre in London would interfere with an article…


XML     PDF A GLIMPSE OF HEAVEN The Database of Ornament The night was dismal. Dis mal! thought the lamps, as they shuddered in the…