Stories Toto Told Me
By Baron Corvo
V.—About the Heresy of Fra Serafico
ONE of Toto s brothers was called Nicola, and he was going
to be a priest.
He was nineteen years old, and very like
Toto in appearance with this
notable difference—there was no
light in his eyes. He was a curious,
gaunt, awkward, unworldly
creature, absolutely the opposite of Toto, who
had the charm and
freedom of a young savage on the loose. I don’t know why
clergy, for whom I entertain the highest respect, of course, should
always slink along by the wall, expressing by the cringing
obsequiousness of their carriage that they would take it as a
favour for
some one to kick them, but such is the case. I used
to see this Nicola
sneaking about during his summer vacation, but
I don’t think I ever spoke
to him except when he came to say
” How do you do ? ” and ” Good-bye.” One
morning, soon after
his arrival, I asked Toto what was the matter with his
brother, for
he looked even more caged, humpty-backed, and slouching, more
utterly miserable and crushed than usual. ” Cola, sir, he said,
must know, has a very feeling heart, and if he meets with
any little
misfortune it is a much more serious thing to him than
it would be to me.
I, of course, would say that it didn’t matter,
and look for something else to amuse me : but ‘Cola will think
over his
grief so much that it will seem far greater than it really
is, and he will
not be able to eat his food or take any interest in
anything, and wish he
was dead or that he had never given
himself the annoyance of being born.
And I suppose now he has
had some little trouble in his
college—dropped his garter, perhaps,
and let his stocking down when
out with the camerata in the
street, and he has thought about it so much
that now he believes
he has committed a sin against the sixth commandment,
by an
indecent exposure of his person. But, if I have your leave, I will
ask him, for I can see him saying his beads behind the
Toto ran away, and I took a little nap.
When I woke, he was coming down the steps holding a
rhubarb leaf over his
head. ” I am sure you will be much
amused, sir, when I tell you what is
the matter with ‘Cola,” he
said. “I have made him very angry with me
because I could not
help laughing at him, and he has said that I should
certainly burn
for making a mock of the clergy—clergy, indeed, and
he only a
sub-deacon, and I his brother who know all about him and
everything he ever did ! And Geltruda, too ! For my part
I am sure it is a
gift straight from Heaven to be a priest, because I
remember that ‘Cola
used to be quite as fond of enjoying himself
as I am, but since he went to
the Seminario he will not look at a
petticoat—that is to say, the
face that belongs to it, for it is only
the petticoats he does look at.
Have I not seen my little mother
cry when he came home, because he only
put his lips to her hand—
and they didn’t touch it—as if she
were la Signora Duchessa
instead of the mother who wished to take him in
her arms ? But
his dolour now, sir, is this. You must know that in the
Seminario you have to preach to the other chierichetti in the
refectory, during supper. This is to give you practice in deliver
sermons. And after you have preached, you go to your place,
and, if it is
necessary to make any remarks upon what you have
said, the professors tell
you then what they think. Well, it was
‘Cola’s turn to preach the night
before he came home, and he says
that it was a sermon which he had taken
all his life to write. He
had learnt it by heart, and on arriving in the
pulpit he repeated it,
moving his hands and his body in a manner which he
had practised
before his mirror, without making a single mistake. When he
had finished, the Rector paid him compliments, and two or three
the other professors did the same. But when it came to the
turn of the
Decanus who is the senior student, he said that the
college ought to be
very proud of having produced an abbatino so
clever as to be able, in his
first sermon, to invent and proclaim
sixteen new and hitherto unheard of
heresies. And ‘Cola, instead
of feeling a fine rage against this nasty,
jealous prig, with his
mocking tongue, takes all the blame to himself and
is making
himself wretched. I told him that there was no difficulty about
heresies, if that was what he wanted, because I think that to do
wrong is as easy as eating, and that the real difficulty is to keep
straight. But he says he is a miserable sinner, and that it is all
fault, for he cannot have perfectly corresponded with his
vocation. Why,
as for heresy, sir, I will tell you how a friar in
Rome was accused of
preaching heresy, and then you will know
that it is not always the being
accused of inventing heresies that
makes you guilty of that same.
” Ah well, formerly there lived in Rome a certain friar called Fra
Serafico. When he had lived in the world he was of the Princes
of Monte
Corvino, but at about the age of ‘Cola he astonished
everybody by giving
up his rank and his riches and his state, and
becoming a son of Saint
Francis. Now the Franciscans of his
convent were not quite able to understand why a young man who
had his
advantages, should give them up as he did, and prefer a
shaved head and
naked feet and to be a beggar. And Fra Serafico
though he had the best
will in the world, didn’t make a good
impression on the other friars,
because his manners were different
to theirs. He felt miserable without a
pocket-handkerchief for his
nose. And it was some time before the
superiors became certain
that he had a true vocation, for he went about
his duties with
diligence and humility, feeling so shy, because the things
him were so strange, that he gained for himself amongst the other
novices the nickname of ‘Dumbtongue.
” And this went on until he had finished his probation, and taken
the habit
and the vows.
” One day after this, the Father Guardian, in order to give him
a good
humiliation, told him to prepare a sermon to preach before
the convent at
the chapter that afternoon. Fra Serafico received
this command in silence,
and, having kissed the ground before his
Superior, he went away to his
cell, and when the afternoon came
he stood up to preach.
” Then, sir, a very curious thing happened, for Fra Serafico
preached, and
while he preached the faces of the other friars
became set in a glare of
astonishment, and the eyes of the Father
Guardian were almost starting out
of his head by the time the
sermon was finished. Then there was silence
for a little while,
and the friars looked at one another and nodded. It
seems that
they had been entertaining an angel unawares, for this Dumb-
tongue, as they called him, had turned out to be a perfect Golden-
mouth. And the friars were more than glad, for, though they
were all good
men and very holy, they had no great preacher
among them at that time ;
and they thought it was a shame that an
Order whose business was to preach
should have no man who could
preach well, and at last they saw a way out of the difficulty : For
they said, this Serafico speaks the words of San Paolo
himself, with the
tongue of an angel.
“After this he gave fervorini daily in the convent church, till all
city was filled with his fame, and at last he was named by
Papa Silvio to
preach the Lent in the Church of San Carlo Al
” Of course you know very well, sir, that the devil is always dis-
to see the works of God going on as easily as water running
out of a
turned-on tap, and you know also that when a good work
seems to be
thriving at its best, then is the time the devil chooses
to try to upset
it. And so he went to a little Jesuit called Padre
Pappagallo—and, of course, I need not tell you that the
Jesuits are
not what you might call friendly to the Franciscans—
and he
suggested to him the evil thought, that it was a bad thing
for the Jesuits
to be beaten in preaching by the Franciscans, and
what a score it would be
if a Jesuit were to have the honour of
catching Fra Serafico in the act of
preaching heresy. Padre Tonto,
it happened, had made a bad meditation that
morning, having
allowed his eyes to fix themselves upon some of the stone
who were dangling their beautiful white legs over the arches round
the apsis, and his thoughts to wander from his meditation to those
things which every good priest flies from with as much haste as he
fly from the foul fiend appearing in person. And so his
mind was just like
a fertile field, and when the devil popped in his
suggestion, the seed
immediately took root, and before the morn-
ing was over it had burst into
blossom, for this Padre Tonto cut
off to the church of San Carlo to hear
the great preacher, and
when he saw the vast multitude all so intent upon
those golden
words, that if an earthquake had happened then and there I
no one would have blinked, and when he heard the sighs from the
breasts of wicked men and saw the tears rain down on women’s
cheeks, he
envied Fra Serafico his power to move men so, and
he began to listen to
the sermon that he might catch the
preacher preaching heresy. Now, of
course, while he was staring
about, he had not paid attention to the words
of gold, and the first
sentence that caught his ear when he did begin,
indeed, to listen
was this, No one shall be crowned unless he has
” Padre Tonto jumped up and ran out of the church. He was
delighted, for he
had heard a heresy straight away. ‘No one
shall be crowned,’ he
said—’that is, of course, with the crown of
glory which the saints
in heaven wear for ever—unless he has
lawfully—that is to say, as the martyrs did in the
Pr-r-r-r-r-r, my dear Serafico ! And what, then, be
comes of all the holy
bishops and confessors, and of the virgins and
penitents and widows whom
Holy Church has numbered with the
saints ? These were not martyrs, nor did
they fight with beasts,
like San Paolo’ (and I cannot tell you the place,
sir). ‘An I were
Pope, Seraficone mio, I should burn your body in the
Campo di
Fiore to-morrow morning, and your soul in hell for ever and the
day after.’ And saying these words and all sorts of other things
like them, he ran away to the Sant Uffizio and made a mischief
with much
” Now Padre Tonto had a very good reputation and was exceed
ingly well
thought of in Rome. Moreover, the accusation he
made, appeared to be well
founded. So Fra Serafico was sent for
and the question was put to him,
‘Did you, or did you not, in
your sermon preached in the Church of San
Carlo Al Corso on
the second Monday in Lent, say, ” No one shall be
crowned un-
less he has contended lawfully ? “‘ And Fra Serafico replied
his questioner, who was the Grand Inquisitor himself, spoke like
a book
a book with large letters and clasps of silver, for without a doubt
he had
used those very words. The Grand Inquisitor laid down
the key of the
question room, and remarked that confession of
wrong done was always good
for the soul : and he pointed out
to Fra Serafico the dreadful heresy of
which he had been guilty
in uttering words which, if they meant anything
at all, meant this,
according to Padre Tonto Pappagallo, who was a
theologian, That
it was impossible to get to heaven unless you suffered
And he told Fra Serafico, that as he had made his heresy public by
preaching it to all Rome, it would be necessary to make amends
also in the
place of his crime, or else to let himself be burnt with
fire in the Campo
di Fiore on the next public holiday, both to
atone for the sin, and in
order to encourage other people who
might feel it their business to preach
heresy as he had done. And
Fra Serafico answered that he wished to live
and die a good and
obedient son of Holy Mother Church, and to submit his
ment in all things to Hers ; therefore, it would give him much joy
to make public amends for his heresy at any time or place which
Eminence in his wisdom might be pleased to appoint.
” The next day the people of Rome were called by proclamation
to the Church
of San Carlo Al Corso to see Fra Serafico’s humi-
liation, and because he
was such a celebrated man there came
together all the noblest and most
distinguished persons in the city.
Papa Silvio sat upon the throne with
the Princes Colonna and
Orsini on his right hand and on his left. All
around there were
fifty scarlet cardinals, bishops by the score in purple
and green,
friars grey, friars white, friars black, monks by the hundred,
princes and common people like rain drops. And when they had
taken their places, Fra Serafico entered between two officers of
the Sant’
Uffizio with their faces covered in the usual manner, and
first he
prostrated himself before the Majesty in the tabernacle,
and then at the feet of Papa Silvio, then he bowed from the waist
to the
Sacred College and the prelates, and from the shoulders to
the rest ; and
then he was led into the pulpit from which he had
proclaimed his heresy.
There he began to speak, using these
words : ‘Most Holy Father, Most
Eminent and Most Reverend
Lords, my Reverend Brethren, Most Illustrious
Princes, my dear
Children in Jesus Christ. I am brought here to-day on
account of
the vile and deadly heresy which I am accused of preaching in
this pulpit on the first Monday in Lent. That heresy is con-
in the following words : ” No one shall be crowned unless
he has contended
lawfully.” I freely confess, acknowledge, and
say that I did in real truth
use those words. But before I proceed
to abjure the heresy contained in
them and to express with tears
my penitence for the crime I have
committed, I crave, my beloved
children in Jesus Christ, most illustrious
princes, my reverend
brethren, most eminent and most reverend lords, and,
prostrate at
Your Feet, Most Holy Father, your indulgence for a few
while I relate a dream and a vision which came to me during the
night just past, which I spent for the good of my soul upon the
tender bosom of the Sant’ Uffizio.’ Fra Serafico’s face as he spoke
with a beauty so unearthly, his manner was so gracious,
and the music of
his golden voice so entrancing that Papa Silvio,
making the Sign of the
Cross, granted him the favour he had asked.
” The Friar went on : ‘In my
dream it appeared to me that I
was standing before the bar of the Eternal
Judge, and that there I
was accused by a certain Jesuit named Padre Tonto
Pappagallo of
having preached heresy on the first Monday in Lent, in the
Church of San Carlo Al Corso, using these words: “No one shall
crowned unless he has contended lawfully.” And while I
waited there,
Blessed Father Francesco himself came and stood
beside me. And the Judge
of all men looked upon me with
wrath and anger, asking whether I confessed my crime, and I,
wretched man
that I am, in the presence of Him who knows all
things, even the inmost
secrets of the heart, could do nothing else
but acknowledge that it was
even so. Then the Padre Eterno,
who, though terrible beyond all one can
conceive to evil-doers, is
of a justice so clear, so fine, and straight
that the crystal of earth
becomes as dark as mud, the keenness of a
diamond as blunt
granite, and the shortest distance between two points as
as the curves in a serpent’s tail—this Just Judge, I say,
asked me,
who am but a worm of the earth, whether I had anything to say
in excuse for my crime.
“‘And I, covered with confusion as with a garment, because of
my many
sins,replied, “May it please Your Majesty,! have confessed
my crime, and
in excuse I can only say that when I was preparing
my sermon I took those
words from the writings of San Gregorio.”
“‘The Judge of all men ordered my angel to write this down, and
deigned to
ask whether I could say in what part of the writings of
San Gregorio this
heresy could be found. ” May it please Your
Majesty,” I replied, ” the
heresy will be found in the 37th Homily
of San Gregorio on the I4th
chapter of the Gospel of San Luca.”
Then I covered my face with my hands
and waited for my dread-
ful sentence ; but Blessed Father Francesco
comforted me, and
patted my shoulder with his hand, all shining with the
Stigmata, and the Padre Eterno, speaking in a mild voice to the
Court of Heaven, said, ” My children, this little brother has been
accused of preaching a heresy, and this heresy is said to have been
from the writings of San Gregorio. In this case, you will
perceive that it
is not our little brother who is a heretic, but San
Gregorio, who will
therefore have the goodness to place himself at
the bar, for We are
determined to search this matter to its re-
motest end.” Then San Gregorio
was led by his guardian angel
from his throne among the Doctors of the Church, and came down
to the bar
and stood beside me and Blessed Father Francesco, who
whispered in my ear,
” Cheer up, little brother, and hope for the
best ! ”
“‘ And the Padre Eterno said, “San Gregorio, this little
brother has been
accused before Us, that on the first Monday in
Lent, in the Church of San
Carlo Al Corso, he preached heresy
in the following words : ‘No one shall
be crowned unless he has
contended lawfully.’ We have examined him, and he
alleges that
he has taken these words from the 3yth Homily, which you have
written upon the I4th chapter of the Gospel of San Luca. We
therefore, that you should say, first, whether you acknow-
ledge that you
have written these words; and secondly, if you
have done so, what excuse
you have to offer ? ” And San Gregorio
opened the book of his writings
which, of course, he always carries
with him, and turned the pages with an
anxious finger. Presently
he looked up with a smile into the Face of God
and said, ” May
it please Your Majesty, our little brother has spoken the
truth, for
I have found the passage, and when I have read it, You will
the answer to both questions which Your Condescension has put
me.” So San Gregorio read from his writings these words, ” But
we cannot
arrive at the great reward unless through great labours :
wherefore, that
most excellent preacher, San Paolo, says, ‘No one
shall be crowned unless
he has contended lawfully.’ The great
ness of rewards, therefore, may
delight the mind, but does not take
away the obligation of first fighting
for it.” ” Hm-m-m-m,”said
the Padre Eterno, “this begins to grow
interesting ; for it seems,
My children, that Our little brother here has
quoted his heresy from
San Gregorio, and that San Gregorio in his turn
quoted it from
San Paolo, upon whom, therefore, the responsibility seems
to rest.
Call San Paolo.”
” So
“‘ So the seven archangels blew their trumpets and summoned
San Paolo, who
was attending a meeting of the Apostolic
College, and when he came into
Court his guardian angel led
him to the bar, where he took his place by
the side of San
Gregorio’ (the one who made them Catholics in England,
and the chant, sir, and saw San Michelé Arcangiolo on top of
the Mola, sir), ‘and of my wretched self. “Now, San Paolo,”
said the Padre
Eterno, ” We have here a little grey friar who has
been accused of
preaching heresy on the first Monday in Lent, in
the Church of San Carlo
Al Corso, in these words, ‘No one shall
be crowned unless he has contended
lawfully.’ And he has in
formed Us that he quoted these words from the
3yth Homily of
San Gregorio on the I4th chapter of the Gospel of San Luca.
have examined San Gregorio, and he has pointed out to Us that he
did indeed use these words, as our little brother has said ; but San
Gregorio also alleges that they are not his own words, but yours.
Court, therefore, would like to know whether San Gregorio’s
statement is
true.” Then San Paolo’s guardian angel handed to
him the book which
contained all the letters he had written, and
after he had refreshed his
memory with this, the great apostle
replied, ” May it please Your Majesty,
there is no doubt that both
our little brother and San Gregorio are right,
for I find in my second
letter to San Timoteo, chapter ii. verse 5, the
following words :
And if a man also strive for masteries, yet is he not
except he contend lawfully.” ” Well ! ” said the Padre Eterno,
“this is a very shocking state of things that you, of all men,
should publish heresies in this manner and lead men of all ages into
! San Gregorio, taking the statement on your authority,
preaches heresy in
his time, and a thousand years after, our little
brother, innocently
thinking that men of such eminence as the
Apostle of the Gentiles and the
Apostle of England are of good
authority, preaches the same heresy. You see now that it is im-
possible to
know what the end of a lie will be when once it has
been started on its
“‘” But hear me,” said San Paolo, who was a very bold man,
” for I venture
to submit to Your Majesty that the second letter
which I wrote to San
Timoteo has been placed by Your Church
on earth on the list of the
Canonical Books, and this means that
when I wrote that letter I was
inspired by the Third Person of
the Ever Blessed Trinity, and that
therefore I was divinely pro-
tected from teaching error in any shape or
form ! :
“‘” Of course it does,” replied the Padre Eterno. ” The words
that you have
written, San Paolo, in your second letter to San
Timoteo, are not the
words of a man, but the words of God
Himself, and the matter amounts to
this, that our little brother here,
who took the words from San Gregorio,
who took them from you
who were divinely inspired to write them, has not
been guilty of
heresy at all, unless God Himself can err. And who,”
the Padre Eterno, with indignation, “We should like to know, is
the ruffian who has taken up Our time with this ridiculous and
baseless charge against Our little brother ?”
“‘ Somebody said that it was a Jesuit named Padre Tonto Pappa-
gallo, at
which the Padre Eterno sniffed saying, ” A Jesuit ! and
what in the name
of goodness is that ? ”
“‘ So the Madonna whispered that it was a son of Sant Ignazio.
” Where is
Sant’ Ignazio ? ” said the Padre Eterno. Now Sant’
Ignazio, who had seen
the way things were going, and what a
contemptible spectacle his son was
presenting, had hidden himself
behind a bush and was pretending to say his
office. But he was
soon found and brought into Court, and the Padre Eterno
him what he meant by allowing his spiritual children to act in this
way. And Sant Ignazio only groaned and said, ” May it please
Your Majesty, all my life long I tried to teach them to mind their
business, but in fact I have altogether failed to make them
listen to me.”
“‘ That was my dream, Most Holy Father, Most Eminent and
Most Reverend
Lords, my Reverend Brethren, Most Illustrious
Princes, my Beloved Children
in Jesus Christ ; and since you have
been so gracious as to listen, I will
now no longer delay my recanta-
tion of the heresy of which I am accused
of preaching on the first
Monday in Lent, in the Church of San Carlo Al
” But Papa Silvio arose from His throne, and the cardinals, and
bishops, and the princes, and the people, and they all cried
in a loud
voice, Eviva, eviva, Bocca d’Oro, eviva, eviva.'”
Love One Another
“YES,” I said, ” that’s a very good story, Toto. And now I
want to know
where you learnt it.”
” Well, sir,” he replied, ” it was told to me by Fra Leone of the
Capuccini. Not that I wish you to think the Capuccini and
Franciscans to
be the same. Not at all. But, of course, you know
better than that, and it
is like their impertinence of bronze to
pretend that they are, as they do,
for the Capuccini were not even
heard of for hundreds of years after San
Francesco founded his
Order of Little Brothers. And the reason why they
came to be
made was only because of the vain man Simon Something or
other, who gave more thought to his clothes than was good for
his soul,
and found that the sleeves which were good enough for
San Francesco, and
the round tippet which that heavenly saint wore,
The Yellow Book—Vol. XI. K
did not suit his style of beauty, and so he made himself a brown
instead of a grey one, with plain sleeves to show the shape
of his arms,
and no pockets in them, and a tippet not round but
pointed like the piece
of flesh there is between my shoulders.
And then, because there are always
plenty of men ready to run
after something new, he got together so many
followers who
wished to dress themselves like him, that the Holy Father
to give them permission to have their own way rather than cause
them to become rebels against our Holy Mother the Church, by
it difficult for them to be obedient, because the matter
had really no
importance to speak of.”
I said that I knew all about that, but that I didn’t believe
that religious
men, whether they were Franciscans or sham ones
like the Capuccini, or
even Jesuits, would show such jealousy and
envy of each other as appeared
in the story of Fra Serafico.
“And there,” said Toto, “I can assure you that you are
altogether wrong. I
may tell you that in every religious order
there are two kinds of
men—the saints and the sinners ; and of
course, the saints always
love each other as Francesco and
Domenico did ; and, by contrary, having
submitted themselves to
the infernal dragon who always drives all love out
of the hearts of
his slaves and inflames them with the undying fire of
envy, the
sinners hate each other with a hatred like the poison of vipers,
and occupy themselves with all kinds of schemes by which they
bring discredit upon their enemies, the sinners of other orders.
Why, I
will tell you a tale which is quite true, because I have
seen it, of how
some Capuccini—and you will not ask me to say
where their convent
is—have done a deed by which much shame
will some day be brought
upon a house of Jesuits who live in their
” Well, then, there was a convent of Capuccini, and outside the
grounds or the convent there was a small house in which I lived
with my
father and my mother and my brothers and sisters, and
it was a very lonely
place. And about as far off as it would take
you to say five Paters, and
five Aves, and five Glorias, there was
another house, and there were
perhaps three or four cottages in
sight, and that is all, so it was a very
lonely place. But six miles
away there was a large college of Jesuits, up
in the hills, and when
a Jesuit died it was the custom to bury him in the
churchyard of
the Capuccini.
” Now there was a man who came to live in the other house,
and he was not
an old man nor a young man, but just between
the two ; and because he felt
lonely he used to pay attention to all
the ladies who came in his way when
visiting this celebrated
convent of Capuccini ; and our difficulty was to
know which one
he was going to marry. And there was one in particular who
appeared to these Capuccini to be the one that he ought to marry,
but her home was far away in a large town, and so one of the
friars wrote
to her parish priest to ask what ought to be done,
and the parish priest
replied : ‘Yes, you must get her married as
soon as possible ;’ and soon
after that the respectable man married
her and brought her to the house in
the lonely place that I am
telling you about. And they lived there very
quietly for a little
while, and then his business called the respectable
man away from
his house for a few weeks. So he went and his wife remained
at home, and there was no one in the house besides her but a
her servant.
“And presently, in the middle or one night, there was a
knocking at the
door of the small house where I lived with my
father and my mother and my
brothers and my sisters, and I heard
this knocking because that night I
was going to enjoy myself in
the orchard of the Capuccini. So I came
downstairs in my shirt
only ; and because I wished to keep what I was going to do a
secret, I left
my shirt rolled up in a bundle under the seat in the
porch, and I will
tell you why : I thought of two things ; the
first thing was that it was a
very rainy night, and if my mother
found in the morning that my shirt was
wet, she would guess I
had been up to mischief, and having told my father,
I should have
nothing but stick for breakfast ; and the second thing was
that if
some Capuccino should be persuaded by an uneasy devil to look
out of his window to see a naked boy running about in the
orchard or
in the churchyard, he would say to himself that it was
just a poor soul
escaping from purgatory, and then having repeated
a De Profundis, he would
go back to his bed. So just as I was
creeping across the yard with the
warm rain pouring in torrents
over my body, there came this banging on the
door of my house,
and I skipped behind a tree and waited. Then my father
the window of his room upstairs, demanding what was the matter,
and the voice of the servant of the respectable man, replied that la
Signora Pucci had suddenly been taken very ill, and that if my
mother was
a Christian woman she would come to her assistance.
This servant spoke
with a very thick voice, and as I did not think
I was going to be amused
if I stayed behind my tree, I ran away
and enjoyed myself enough with the
peaches belonging to these
Capuccini. When I came home I dried myself with
a cloth,
took my shirt from under the seat in the porch, and went to bed
again. And in the morning when I awoke there was no one to
give us
our breakfast, for my father was gone to his work and my
mother to the
assistance of the wife of the respectable man, so I
was thankful enough
that I had made so many good meals during
the night. All that day and all
the next night and the day after
was my mother away from her home, and I
need not tell you
that I began to think that something very strange was
of which I ought to know ; so I waited here and I waited there,
and I put a
question of one kind to this and a question of another
kind to that, and
during the night, after my father had seen me go
to bed, I got up again,
left my shirt in the porch as before, not
because it was raining now, but
because 1 liked it, as well as for
the other reason, and I wandered about
quite naked and happy
and free,” (here he tossed his arms and wriggled all
over in an
indescribable manner) “dodging behind trees and bushes, from my
father s house to the house of the respectable man and to the
churchyard of the convent of the Capuccini, and during that
night I saw
many curious things, and these, with the answers
which were given to the
questions I had been asking, and other
odds and ends which I either knew
or had seen with my eyes,
made me able to know exactly what this mystery
” Now I ought to have told you this, that a week before, a very
old priest
from the Jesuit college of which I have already spoken had
been buried in
the convent churchyard, also he was the confessor
of the wife of the
respectable man, and a priest whom she held in
the very greatest honour,
and he was called Padre Tommaso. He
was a saint indeed whom everybody
venerated, for the Signer Iddio
had made him live one hundred and two
years in order that he
might add to the many good deeds which in his long
life he had
done. I should like you to remember this, because now I must
go to another part of the story.
” After the servant of the respectable man had told my father
that her
mistress was ill, my mother arose from her bed and went
at once to the
house of the sick person. Arrived there, she found
la Signora Pucci fallen
upon the floor in great pain, and being a
woman herself, she knew with one
stroke of her eye what was the
” Now the servant of the respectable man, who had accompanied
my mother, was drunk and so useless. Therefore my mother,
who is the best
of all women living, made la Signora Pucci as
comfortable as she could at
that time, went into the stable, put the
horse into the cart and, having
driven for three miles to the
nearest town, brought a doctor back with her
as the day was
“The sick woman was put to bed, and the doctor gave my
mother directions as
to what was to be done during his absence ;
for he said he must go home
now to finish his night s rest, and in
the morning he had his patients to
see, but in the afternoon he
would come again, and that then, perhaps,
something would
happen. But my mother told him that she would on no
consent to be left alone in the house with la Signora Pucci, be-
cause she perceived that something most dreadful was to happen.
doctor replied that he would not stay, because he could not ;
and that if
my mother was not there to assist the sick woman in
her trouble, she might
die. But my mother would by no means
be persuaded, and in the end she
conquered, and the doctor stayed,
and they waited ail through the night,
and the next morning at
noon there came a new baby into that house, and la
Signora Pucci
was so astonished that she really nearly died, and as for
the baby,
he did die after a half-hour of this world.
“Then the sick woman became mad, and cried in delirium that
she would not
have it known to the respectable man, her husband,
that a new baby had
come into that house, so my mother went to
the Father Guardian of these
Capuccini, telling him all that she
knew, how she had baptized the baby
Angelo herself seeing that he
was at the point of death, and that
therefore he must be buried in
the churchyard, and how his mother, la
Signora Pucci, demanded
that this should be done secretly, and that the
grave should be
made with Padre Tommaso, of whom 1 have told you before,
was a saint that any person might be glad to be buried with.
Upon which the
Father Guardian replied that this was as
easy as eating ; and he directed
my mother, having put the
dead baby Angelo into a box, to take him under
her cloak
at midnight to the grave of Padre Tommaso. So she did as
she was told, putting the dead baby Angelo into a wooden box
in which rice
had been, and cutting a cross upon the lid so that
San Michelé Arcangiolo
should know there was a Christian
there ; and at midnight she was there at
the grave of Padre
Tommaso. And, of course, I need not tell you that there
a naked boy hidden in a cedar tree, over their heads, lying flat
upon his face upon a thick branch which he held between his
thighs and
with his arms, and looking right down upon the grave.
Then there came out
of the convent Fra Giovannino, Fra Lorenzo,
Fra Sebastiano, and Fra
Guilhelmo. And if I had not remem-
bered that a naked boy in a cedar-tree
was not one of the things
which you are unable to do without at a midnight
funeral, I should
have laughed, because these friars, coming out of their
without candles, fell over the crosses on the graves and said
which friars do not say in their offices. They brought two spades
and a bucket of holy water, and when they came to the grave of
Tommaso, Fra Sebastiano and Fra Guilhelmo dug about
three feet of a hole
over the Jesuit s head, then my mother gave
them the box from under her
cloak and they put it in the earth,
and having sprinkled it with holy
water, they covered it up, made
the grave look as it had looked before as
best they could in that
dim light, and then returned to their convent, all
the time saying
no word aloud.
” Then my mother went back to the house of la Signora Pucci,
and a boy
without clothes followed her there. For one hour
afterwards I ran
backwards and forwards secretly from the con-
vent to the house of the respectable man, but finding that
nothing else
happened I went to my bed.
” About the end of the day after this my mother returned to her
house, and
said that the doctor had brought a nurse to la Signora
Pucci, and that the
respectable man her husband also was coming
back, so there was nothing
more for her to do. Then she swooned
with weariness, for she was tired to
death, but having rested some
days while I and my sisters and my brothers
kept the house clean
and tidy, she recovered herself.
” And that is all the tale, sir.
“And I think you will see that these Capuccini, unless indeed
they are
entirely fools of the most stupid, and that they may be
have been urged on
by envy of the Jesuit fathers to lay the begin-
nings of a plot which some
day will cause a great scandal. You
must see that they could not help the
coming of the new baby
to the house of the respectable man, and it is not
for that that I
blame them. You must see that when the new baby had come
died a Christian, there was nothing else for them to do but to bury
it in their churchyard, and that secretly, to defend la Signora Pucci
from shame. And, after all, you must see that there are yards and
yards and yards of ground in that churchyard where this dead
baby Angelo could be buried by himself secretly, and that
it is simply
abominable to have to put him into the grave of a
Jesuit, which, being
opened as it may at any time—God knows
when or why, but it is quite
likely—will bring a great dishonour
and a foul blot upon the sons
of San Ignazio.”
I said that I saw.
MLA citation:
Corvo, Baron. “Stories Toto Told Me.” The Yellow Book, vol. 11, October 1896, pp. 143-162. Yellow Book Digital Edition, edited by Dennis Denisoff and Lorraine Janzen Kooistra, 2010-2014. Yellow Nineties 2.0, Ryerson University Centre for Digital Humanities, 2020.