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Image is of two sphinxes on either side of the Arbor Saeculorum, or the Tree of Life. At the top of the tree on the left side is the Phoenix of action, and on the right is a butterfly representing the Psyche of thought (Welter 89). There are two scrolls on either side of the image. Both of them are divided into seven squares, within each resides an image. The images on either side that are on the same level relate to each other, and represent major historical eras (Hysler-Rubin 45). Beginning at the bottom, are the hexagonal Star of David (left) and the term for the Hebrew God (left). These represent Israel, which Geddes considered to be the first stage of Western civilization. The next level suggests the Greek civilization, depicting a boat for being sea-going (left), and an owl to represent wisdom (right) (Hysler-Rubin). Next, Rome is represented by a chain for slaves (left), the fasces for law and justice, and the chi rho sign for emerging Christianity. Moving up, representing the Middle Ages are the helmet of chivalry and the charter of the free cities (left) and the papal tiara and a barrel (right). On the next level, representing the renaissance are the blazons of noblemen and the hat of the Puritan movement (left) and the Greek letters symbolizing knowledge and the bible (right). Next and symbolizing the French Revolution are swords and a cogwheel (left) and the liberty hat rising above the fleur-de-lis (right). Finally, at the highest level representing a criticism of contemporary capitalism are the empty hands of the poor (left) and the flags of anarchism and socialism (right) (Welter 89). The letter “P” is in the lower-left corner of the image, and the letter “G” is in the lower right; these are Patrick Geddes own initials. The image is vertically displayed.