IN presenting to the public the second number of
“THE SAVOY,” I wish to thank the critics of
the press for the flattering reception which they
have given to No. I. That reception has been
none the less flattering because it has been for
the most part unfavourable. Any new endeavour lends itself,
alike by its merits and by its defects, to the disapproval of the
larger number of people. And it is always possible to learn from
any vigorously expressed denunciation, not, perhaps, what the
utterer of that denunciation intended should be learnt. I confess
cheerfully that I have learnt much from the newspaper criticisms
of the first number of “THE SAVOY.” It is with confidence
that I anticipate no less instruction from the criticisms which I
shall have the pleasure of reading on the number now issued.
April, 1896.
MLA citation:
Symons, Arthur. “Editorial Note.” The Savoy, vol. 2, April 1896, p. 5. Savoy Digital Edition, edited by Lorraine Janzen Kooistra, 2018-2020. Yellow Nineties 2.0, Ryerson University Centre for Digital Humanities, 2019. https://1890s.ca/savoyv2-symons-editorial/