A NEW volume of “The Savoy” commences with
the July number, and it has been decided, in conse-
quence of the interest which has been taken in the
two numbers already issued, to make the Magazine
a Monthly instead of a Quarterly.
The policy of ” The Savoy ” will remain precisely what it
has hitherto been, but the opportunities of monthly publication will
permit of the issue of a serial, and arrangements are being made with
Mr. George Moore for the serial publication of his new novel,
“Evelyn Innes.”
It is not unreasonably assumed that those who have welcomed
“The Savoy” as a Quarterly will welcome it with at least equal
interest as a Monthly, and it is confidently hoped that the large
public, to which a Quarterly comes with too occasional an appeal, will
appreciate the monthly publication of a Periodical whose only aim
is to offer its readers letterpress which is literature, and illustrations
which are art.
June, 1896.
MLA citation:
Symons, Arthur. “Editorial Note.” The Savoy vol. 3, July 1896, p. 7. Savoy Digital Edition, edited by Christopher Keep and Lorraine Janzen Kooistra, 2018-2020. Yellow Nineties 2.0, Ryerson University Centre for Digital Humanities, 2019. https://1890s.ca/savoyv3-symons-editorial/