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From The Literary World: “The Yellow Book”

The last Yellow Book contains an unusual
number of good articles, and is much less full
of mannerisms than its predecessors. Mr.
Henry James‘s “She and He: Recent Docu-
ments” will attract most people as being a
subtle and interesting monograph on the re-
cently resurrected scandal of George Sand and
Alfred de Musset. A touching little story, by
Lena Milman, of “Marcel: An Hotel Child,”
is well worth reading, as are several of the
other tales in the volume. The only really de-
cadent bit of work (unless we except the terri-
ble “Bodley Head” of Miss Evelyn Sharpe, by
E. A. Walton) is Henry Harland‘s “Flower of
the Clove.” Why cannot modern novelists
make up their minds that those who fall may
be raised up, once and for all, and cease talking
about it? It is, to say the least, not a very
edifying topic, and its artistic possibilities have
been sufficiently exploited in Jess and Trilby.
Several of the ilustrations in this volume are
delightful. Patten Wilson has done a charm-
ing “Silverpoint;” Ethel Reed’s “Almost a
Portrait” is as full of sentiment as her “Puck”
and “A Nursery Rhyme Heroine” are of fancy;
while “Maternity” and “Grief,” by A. Szold,
are really unusually good pieces of work. Noth-
ing in the volume, however, equals Mr. Ken-
neth Grahame‘s “Elegy on a Puppy,” which
deserves quoting as a whole, if we had the
room for it, and seems to us the happiest epi-
taph for an inhabitant of what some one aptly
called “Dog’s Acre” we have ever seen. [John
Lane. $1.50.]

MLA citation:

“The Yellow Book.” Review of The Yellow Book, vol. 12, January 1897, Literary World, 29 May 1897, p. 175. Yellow Nineties 2.0, Edited by Lorraine Janzen Kooistra, Ryerson University Centre for Digital Humanities, 2019.