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* As the circulation of The Pagan Review will be decided by
the number of subscribers, and as no special effort is to be made
to attract “the general reader,” the only sure way of obtaining
copies, as well as of assisting the venture, is by subscription in

                                        THE PAGAN REVIEW

                  Each number   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   One Shilling.

SUBSCRIPTION: Each number, 9d. ; Despatch, 3d.

             Early copies will be delivered, post-paid to Subscribers
                      invariably in advance of all other copies—

                            BY THE YEAR:          12 Shillings.

                            BY THE HALF-YEAR: 6 Shillings.

⁂ All who remit one shilling for this first number can be
registered as Subscribers for One Year on payment of 10 Shillings,
or for the Half-Year on payment of 5 Shillings.

⁂ In the event of the Magazine not living to its allotted
term, such portion of each Subscriber’s remittance as shall not
have been taken over on account of copies sent will be duly


    THE PAGAN REVIEW will appear on the 15th of each month, in
pamphlet form of 64 pages.


    It will publish nothing save by writers who theoretically and
practically have identified, or are identifying themselves with “the
younger men.”


    To be Ordered only from W.H. Brooks, Buck’s Green, RUDGWICK,

* If filled up, please send to address as below.

                                        THE PAGAN REVIEW.

                                         (Subscription Form.)

Name in Full: ________________________________________

Permanent Address: ___________________________________



For One Year _________________________________

For Six Months _______________________________

* If subscription be sent herewith, fill
                 in amount and initial here
( ____________________ )

[If no wish to the contrary be expressed, any subscription remitted—
unless remittance for current number be sent separately—will be understood
to include this number: thus, a subscription for one year will be from and
inclusive of No. I. (See Editorial Notes at end of current number.]







                  MR. W.H. BROOKS,
                                      BUCK’S GREEN, RUDGWICK, SUSSEX.

MLA citation:

Brooks, W.H. [William Sharp]. “Subscriptions.” The Pagan Review, vol. 1, August 1892, pp. ii-iii. The Pagan Review Digital Edition, edited by Dennis Denisoff and Lorraine Janzen Kooistra, 2010. Yellow Nineties 2.0, Ryerson University Centre for Digital Humanities, 2021.